Tips For Cleaning Gold Jewelry

Lingering moisture corrodes gold-plated jewelry and can cause gemstones to crack. Regular cleaning can prevent this and help your plain and gemstone-studded pieces retain their shine.

A gentle soap and warm water solution is ideal for cleaning gold jewelry. Soak your items for a few minutes and scrub them gently with a toothbrush or cloth, paying special attention to nooks and crannies.

Dish soap

Gold is a soft metal that scratches easily and can be scratched by hard, abrasive objects like fingernails. Using household detergents and liquid soap is the safest way to clean gold jewelry, but be sure to avoid acidic cleaners that will break down the metal.

Mix a solution of warm water and mild dish soap, like Dawn. Soak your gold jewelry in the solution for a few minutes. Then rinse and dry your piece. This method is gentle enough to use on most jewelry types, including diamonds and other gemstones.

It is important to note that jewelry marketed as “white gold” should be avoided in these cleaning methods because it actually consists of sterling silver plated in rhodium, which can be worn away with frequent cleaning. In addition, lower karat gold jewelry often contains alloys that can tarnish and should be cleaned more frequently than higher karat pieces. Also, always remove gold jewelry before showering to avoid accumulating soap scum on the piece.

Baking soda

This is a great DIY solution for those who want to clean their gold ornaments without the use of chemicals. Combine 3 portions of baking soda with 1 portion of water to create a paste-like solution.

Apply the solution to your jewelry with a toothbrush, and scrub it until the dirt is gone. Be sure to scrub gently so you don’t damage the jewellery. A soft-bristled brush works best because it can reach into the small nooks and crannies of your jewelry.

Once you’re finished, rinse the jewellery with cool water to remove any baking soda residue or soapy buildup. Don’t use this method on jewellery with pearls or other softer stones, as the baking soda could scratch them. Dry the jewellery with a soft cloth.


Toothpaste is mildly abrasive and can break apart built-up grime on gold jewelry without scratching it. This is especially helpful for gold plated pieces, which have a thin coating of gold over other base metals. Squeeze a small amount onto an old toothbrush and scrub to polish the jewelry, paying special attention to nooks and crannies. Rinse well and dry with a soft cloth or towel.

If your jewelry is particularly dirty, try soaking it in a bowl of warm water with a few drops of gentle dish soap. This method works well for removing stubborn tarnish and is safe to use on most metal jewelry. However, this trick should not be used on pearls or opals because toothpaste’s abrasiveness could damage the delicate gemstones. Also, avoid soaking pieces that contain stones other than diamonds because the abrasive particles in toothpaste can chip the stone. A more effective and safer way to clean these gems is to use a commercial jewelry cleaner.


Like white vinegar, apple cider vinegar has many uses in your home, including cleaning gold jewelry. The acetic acid in the vinegar dissolves impurities and makes them fall away. However, it is important not to use this solution on pieces with gemstones or pearls because the acid can damage them.

After soaking the jewelry, use a soft-bristled toothbrush to scrub it gently. This method is especially good for hard-to-reach areas like clasps, chain links and grommets.

Another useful at-home cleaner is clear ammonia. This solution is gentle and works well to remove stubborn dirt from gold jewelry, but is not recommended for plated jewelry. The abrasiveness of baking soda may scratch softer gemstones and pearls, while vinegar and lemon juice are too acidic and could damage your jewelry. Instead, soak your jewelry for ten minutes in a solution of 1/2 cup clear ammonia and 1 cup warm water. Rinse thoroughly and dry with a cle

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